2nd year of Master course
[Name] Shin Takano
[Department major]
Biosystems Course, Department of Environmental Systems, Graduate School of International Environmental Engineering
Watching videos of cats (see Mochimaru Diary in YouTube)
[Extracurricular activities]
(Oral presentation) total 4 times
69th SPSJ annual meeting
36th DDS annual meeting
69th Symposium on Macromolecules
70th SPSJ annual meeting
(Poster presentation) total 6 times
69th SPSJ annual meeting
69th Symposium on Macromolecules
70th SPSJ annual meeting
Received the Poster Award in the Polymer and Textile category at the 56th Chemistry Branch Joint Kyushu Convention
Post-A3 meeting China-Japan Biopolymer Symposium at Hibikino Poster Award
[research content]
Establishment of drug delivery technology using polymeric nanoparticles
DDS, bottle brush polymer (nano brush), zwitterionic polymer, amino acid